Possessing 8+ years of rich experience in the IT, digital media industry, ITES and BPO, ACS info limited. is the brainchild of Mr Arjjun Tilak with the goal of offering dynamic digital marketing solutions, turning ideas into actions intended to help those who are in need. A technology and marketing enthusiast with a strong streak of entrepreneurship made him establish the organization – Matebiz, which thrives on satisfying its customers by showcasing endless digital possibilities.
Possessing an eye of a true team leader, he has, till date, assembled a crew of hardworking individuals who are wholeheartedly committed to elevating the organization to the next level. Having handled several clients successfully through these years, ACS info limited is all set to grow further under his expert supervision. If you wish to transform your brand’s digital personality effectively, Mr Arjjun Tilak and you can reach out to him at arjjunconsultancyservices@gmail.com
Arjjun Tilak
(Founder / CEO)
Possessing 8+ years of rich experience in the IT, digital media industry, ITES and BPO, ACS info limited. is the brainchild of Mr Arjjun Tilak with the goal of offering dynamic digital marketing solutions, turning ideas into actions intended to help those who are in need. A technology and marketing enthusiast with a strong streak of entrepreneurship made him establish the ACS info limited, which thrives on satisfying its customers by showcasing endless digital possibilities.
Possessing an eye of a true team leader, he has, till date, assembled a crew of hardworking individuals who are wholeheartedly committed to elevating the organization to the next level. Having handled several clients successfully through these years, ACS info limited. is all set to grow further under his expert supervision. If you wish to transform your brand’s digital personality effectively, Mr Arjjun Tilak and you can reach out to him at arjjunconsultancyservices@gmail.com
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